Friday, November 16, 2018



Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Students have all chosen a novel to read independently for the first nine weeks.  They can take the 30 point multiple choice test when they are finished; however, the due date is October 18, 2018.  

Test on Brown Girl Dreaming will be September 14, 2018

Monday, August 27, 2018


To log on, students have their own individual username and password.  However, a generic account is set up so that everyone has access to the material.  Website is

username:          calk8
password:          trojans12

Monday, January 8, 2018

Third Reading Counts Novel will be assigned by January 17, 2018.  Students will complete their usual test but will also have a paper bag project as well.  The following items must be included in the project as well as an oral presentation.  Due test for Test #3 and the project is March 19, 2018.  Paper bags are available from me if needed.

Paper Bag Book Report                                             
You will be completing a paper bag book report as an assessment for this novel/story.

On the Outside….
For this book report, you must consider each the following: setting, plot, main character, and theme.

There are four panels on a paper bag. You will be expected to dedicate one panel of your brown paper bag to each of these four elements.

1.    For the setting, you must include the time and place (if there is more than one time/place include those too). As well, you must create a small illustration to add to this panel that illustrates one of the main settings in the novel.

2.    You must summarize the plot in a few sentences – keep it short and sweet. Many times, this is more difficult than writing a lengthy description.

3.    Tell about the main character on the third panel. Do not focus on the physical and the obvious. Tell how this character changed throughout the story. What happened to him/her to cause this change etc.? You can include the obvious information (family background, physical traits etc.). However, don’t include ONLY this information. As well, list the other major/minor characters in the story by name on this panel.

4.    The final panel must be about the theme of the book. What is the theme(s) and what are your feelings about the message in this novel?

·        The information for each panel must be neatly written/typed on a small piece of paper and glued/taped to the bag. You won’t need any more than a paragraph or so for each panel.  

·        Drawings/visuals are welcome, but optional

·        Be sure to include the title of the novel, author and your name clearly on the outside of the bag

On the Inside…
You must include10 items in your bag that have some significance to the story. Be imaginative…Think outside of the box. You can use toys, modeling clay, or anything else that may represent something important from the story. Make sure each item that you pick is unique and include a one sentence descriptor attached to the item about its significance.   
You will be expected to share your book report with the class (inside and out) and will be marked on: inclusion of the setting, plot, major character, theme and conventions (for the outside of the bag), your ten items inside the bag and your overall speaking/listening skills during the presentation

Have fun and do your best!